Trading for over 40 years

At High Street Garden Supplies, we have your landscaping needs covered, including sand and soil. We offer a great range of landscaping products at competitive prices.

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Building & Garden Supplies

Black Mulch
Black Mulch 10-20mm
Black Mulch is produced from recycled pine and hardwood pallets. They are ground up and dyed with a rich black vegetable dye. Mulch is generally laid 50-100mm thick.
5mm Concrete Crusher Dust
Coarse Dust 5mm
Coarse Dust is a fine crushed rock graded at 5mm minus ideally used for under synthetic/fake grass and under waffle pod systems in concrete slabs. Ideal for creating a fine compacted level.
Concrete Sand
Concrete Sand (coarse)
Concrete Sand or Washed Sand is a classed as a medium washed sand. Most commonly used under paving and for making concrete, rendering, plastering and for screeding under tiling. Concrete sand can be used in sandpits.
20mm Crushed Rock
Crushed Rock 20mm
Crushed bluestone also known as road base. Used as a base under paving and concrete slabs. It is also used for car parks.
Yard Fill
Filling Soil
Filling Soil or yard fill is used to fill in low areas. Perfect for raising low lawn levels, filling holes in the ground, filling in behind retaining walls, or to change the elevation of a property. Great as a cost-effective option. *Filling Soil has not been screened, which means that it may contain small amounts of sand, rubble & grass.
Fine Stone Dust
Fine Stone Dust
A by-product of the quarrying industry, Stone Dust (also known as Crusher Dust) is a fine, blue metal product with particle sizes ranging from fines to 4mm. Used extensively in curb and channel works, Stone Dust has excellent compaction qualities.
Blended Soil
Mixed Garden Veggie Soil
Mixed Garden Soil is the best soil for all types of garden beds, veggie patches, planter boxes etc. It is a combination of soils blended together with added organic mushroom compost / fertiliser making it perfect for all plants, flowers, shrubs, trees and vegetables.
Mushroom Compost
Mushroom Organic Compost
Mushroom Compost enriches the soil and supplies nutrients for the healthy growth of plants. It helps condition soil increasing the water-holding capacity, keeping the soil aerated which decreases your watering needs. Mushroom compost in PH neutral, organic and not potent making it suitable for most garden plants & veggies.
Off White (Beige) Brick Sand
Off White (Beige) Brick Sand
Off White (Beige) Brick Sand is our 'whitest' brick sand colour. Coupled with an Off White cement, This will give your mortar the best Off White coloured mortar achievable
Grey Sand
Off White (Grey) Brick Sand
Off White (Grey) Brick Sand is another ‘fatty’ sand most commonly used for brick and block work. This has a greyish colour rather than the yellowish colour.
White Brick Sand
Off White (Skye) Brick Sand
Off White (Skye) Brick Sand is a ‘fatty’ sand most commonly used for brick and block work. ‘Fatty’ sand refers to the high clay content in the sand, which repels water (like fat) allowing the sand to become stickier and more workable when mixed with cement.
Yellow Brick Sand
Orange/Yellow Brick Sand
Orange/Yellow Brick Sand is a fatty brick sand used for brick work. Mainly used when trying to match light or existing mortar.
Packing Sand
Packing Sand
Packing Sand is a fine sand with some clay content in it. Packing Sand is mainly used under concrete slabs. It can also be used under paving and under water tanks.
6-10mm Pine Bark Mulch
Pine Bark Mulch 10-14mm
Pine Bark Mulch is chocolatey brown nuggets in appearance, highly sort after graded pine bark. It is a premium product choice for "high profile" landscaping works, particularly used in plant scape areas aiming to contrast to existing buildings.
Rosewood Mulch
Red Mulch 10-20mm
Rosewood Mulch is produced from recycled pine and hardwood pallets. They are ground up and dyed with a rich red vegetable dye. Mulch is generally laid 50-100mm thick.
Premium Soil
Sandy Loam / Top Soil
Sandy Loam / Lawn Soil is perfect to grow grass from seeds or instant turf. Sandy Loam soil is a black fine sandy soil that drains quickly yet retains enough water to feed the grass making it ideal for top dressing, levelling and all lawn and turf applications. Can also be used to condition clay soils.
20mm Scoria
Scoria 20mm
20mm Scoria is a lightweight aggregate screened to be free of fine material. It is used as a drainage aggregate, both in-ground, and behind retaining walls.
14mm Screenings
Screenings 14-10mm
Screenings is a 14-10mm aggregate, screened to remove finer sized particles. Mainly used in the production of concrete. Big enough to be suitable as a drainage aggregate and also could be used as a decorative aggregate around the garden.
20mm Screenings
Screenings 20mm
20mm Screenings is a sandstone aggregate, screened to a uniform size and is free of finer particles. It is an aggregate that can be used in the production of concrete. It is suitable as drainage aggregate and may also be used as a decorative aggregate around the garden.
Soft Play Mulch
Soft Fall Mulch
Soft Fall Mulch is a graded, cream coloured wood chip. It is certified as softfall mulch and is suitable for use under playground equipment when laid at the correct depth. Soft Play Mulch can also be used as a mulch in the garden.
7mm Screenings
Topping 7mm Agg
This is a 7mm aggregate. It has been screened to remove finer sized particles. Also known as quarter minus. It is used by plumbers for drainage and around pipes. 7mm screenings can also be used to make a finer textured concrete.
Tuscan 20mm River Pebbles
Tuscan 20mm Decorative Stone
Tuscan 20mm decorative stone is a sandstone aggregate, screened to be free of fine material. Can be used as a decorative stone in your garden, around plants or placed in the top of plant pots as a decorative feature. It does not compact. This product will always remain free draining.
Tuscan 40mm Decorative Stone
Tuscan 40mm Decorative Stone
Tuscan 40mm decorative stone is a sandstone aggregate, screened to be free of fine material. Can be used as a decorative stone in your garden, around plants or placed in the top of plant pots as a decorative feature. It does not compact. This product will always remain free draining.
Tuscan Toppings
Tuscan Toppings
Tuscan Toppings are generally used as a surface for driveways and paths. After spreading, it is advised to either roll or compact the area to achieve a firm, even surface. Tuscan Toppings pack rock hard but still remain permeable to water.
White Washed Sand
White Washed Sand
White Washed Sand also known as Sandpit sand, fine washed sand, double washed sand and triple washed sand. It is the best sand for sweeping into the joints of paving. White Washed Sand can also be used as a fine rendering/plastering sand.

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