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Sand and Soil Delivery in Epping

Thursday 20th April 2023
By: Paul La Porta

High Street Garden Supplies are proud to offer high-quality sand and soil in Melbourne for various applications.

We also provide timely sand delivery in Melbourne's northern suburbs.

High Street Garden Supplies has no shortage of sand supplies for you to choose from.

Our sand selection includes:

  • Packing Sand – A fine sand with trace amounts of clay, useful for underneath concrete slabs and water tanks. Can also be used effectively as paving sand.
  • Orange/Yellow Brick Sand – Orange/Yellow Brick Sand is a fatty brick sand used for brick work. Mainly used when trying to match light or existing mortar.
  • Off White Brick Sand – White Brick Sand is a ‘fatty’ sand most commonly used for brick and block work. ‘Fatty’ sand refers to the high clay content in the sand, which repels water (like fat) allowing the sand to become stickier and more workable when mixed with cement.
  • Concrete Sand – Our washed sand is useful for making concrete as well as for rendering and plastering. It can also be used under water tanks, for tiling purposes, and in sandpits.
  • Packing Sand – Packing Sand is a fine sand with some clay content in it. Packing Sand is mainly used under concrete slabs. It can also be used under paving and under water tanks.
  • White Washed Sand – White Washed Sand also known as Sandpit sand, fine washed sand, double washed sand and triple washed sand. It is the best sand for sweeping into the joints of paving. White Washed Sand can also be used as a fine rendering/plastering sand.

Our soil selections includes:

  • Filling Soil - Filling Soil or yard fill is the soil usually found underneath topsoil. It lacks soil organic material, which means that it may contain sand, rocks, stones, and earth. It is usually used to fill holes in the ground, or to change the elevation of property.
  • Mixed Garden Soil - Mixed Garden Soil is a combination of two different soils, sandy loam and clay loam. This combination offers a good balance between a quality soil and economic pricing. It is used by landscapers and contractors when they need large quantities of soil.
  • Mushroom Organic Compost - Mushroom Compost enriches the soil and supplies nutrients for the healthy growth of plants. It also increases the water-holding capacity of the soil, which decreases your watering needs. Mushroom compost is suitable for most garden plants.
  • Sandy Loam Top Soil - Sandy Loam Top Soil is ideal for a wide range of gardens, plants, herbs, fruits, and vegetables. It can also be used to create new garden beds, pot fresh plants, or replenish old ones. This is a quality growing media with proven results.

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Sand and Soil Delivery in EppingSand delivery ThomastownSand, soil, stone delivery in EppingWe also provide timely sand delivery in Melbourne's northern suburbs.